Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Twist in Mooncake Festival

Happy Mooncake Festival, people! It is the fifteenth of August in the Lunar Calendar where there is a full moon and a lot of mooncakes to choose from. Besides having the traditional mooncakes, this year, my godmother, blessed her soul, she bought me an ice-cream mooncake from Haagen-Dazs! Anyone who knows me know that I am an Ice-Cream and Chocolate fanatic! Though this ice cream mooncake is not something new, it tastes much better when it first started out. I remembered asking my Dad to buy the ice cream mooncake from Haagen-Dazs a few years back. It was a disappointment as the ice-cream modified 'egg-yolk' taste really weird and it didn't win our hearts at the very beginning. Now, they had changed the 'egg-yolk' to sherbet orange which tastes excellent!
Doesn't it look adorable?yummy~!

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