Thursday, March 12, 2009

Suffering from CP - now that is just an Excuse

It is already the second week since the commencement of the semester took place, life has been so hectic to me. Where did the time go? Now I have exactly 5 weeks before my admission test and I still have a lot of catching up to do. About... 90% more to go? Yes, I am currently suffering from 'chronic procrastination' (yes, a psychologist told me that it is a true medical condition, but I think he's joking). Anyway, just a quick update on my current life before I go back to my studying again.

Semester has started and I have enrolled myself for two subjects: Food and Industrial Microbiology and Psychology. So far, the lectures were rather interesting. Hopefully I will strive harder for my last two subject for this FINAL semester. Yeah... I still can't believe that I am going to graduate in another 4 months. So I need to stay sober throughout the whole semester.

Hmm... what else? OH! I am still working part-time of my part time job. Hopefully I can earn enough cash within 6 months to go to my one of my dream destination. It seems very far fetched but if I can support half of the expenses, I will be very happy. Commitment is the word. This is my brother's philosophy, "TO DO OR NOT TO DO IT, THERE IS NO TRY". He always tells me this. I find it very hard to do that though.

Well, that's it for today. Hopefully I will update more often in times to come. Have a great day people!

Kimberly, signing off.

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