Thursday, February 22, 2007

Fortune Cookie... Anyone?

I have seen them in movies, heard about them but it was only recently that I have gotten the chance to actually taste them. Yes, this Chinese New Year was quite different from the ones that I had. Fortune cookies were originally from California, not China. A bit shocking, however, it was invented by a Chinese/Japanese immigrant. I had my first fortune cookie on the Eve of the Year of the Boar (the Westerners called it the Year of the Golden Pig! Hehehe... ) and it says "You will be fortunate in the opportunities presented to you." At that particular time, I was checking in a five star hotel with excellent room service and a fantastic room... yeap... it was true, I was very fortunate. :-) Besides, the note in the fortune cookies, the cookies themselves actually taste pretty darn good! Crispy yet tasty~! Oh well, wishing all of you a very Happy Chinese New Year and Good Fortunes for all~!

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