Wednesday, August 09, 2006


My mind is blank, emotionally feeling tired and worn out; and yet, I'm so happy. You might be probably wondering why; if I could explain everything in a sentence, that sentence would be "God listens to our prayer!"

A few days earlier, my church sister and I have been planning to spread the gospel to our university. We did not feel nervous and anxious at the beginning; however, when D-day comes (which is today by the way), anxiety is burning in us. One thing I learnt from spreading the gospel is that a lot of prayer is required. Through prayer, we open ourselves entirely and let God operate in us. At times, I need to be constantly reminded not to preach in my flesh.

We went from one person to another, just try to give as much as we can. Sure, there were a lot who were not willing but there are a few who takes the time to listen. Roughly about an hour or so, we decided to stop as we ran out of English survey forms for them to fill. We couldn't find people from China though, maybe they were in class, I suppose. In overall, it was a good experience and it is an opportunity for God to transform us in every way. I'm a bit tired but I'm glad I did this. And oh another thing that I realised is that we should pray more for the gospel in our university as most of the people we approached are like 'shut-doors' not letting you have to chance to preach. Prayer is the key to let God function in everyone of us!

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